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Plastic handle plate brush with sturdy bristles.
4-Dial indicator with dials in the order that they are called - Balls on the left, Strikes on the right.
Traditional 4-dial indicator with Strike dial on the left and Ball dial on the right.
Traditional 3-dial indicator with Strike dial on the top and Ball dial in the center.
This 12" ball bag is roomy enough to hold baseballs and accessories while on the field.
Wood handled plate brush with sturdy bristles.
4-Dial indicator with 3 balls, 2 strikes, 2 outs and 9 innings. Pistol grip style indicator.
Book Style Game Card Holder
Flip Top Game Card Holder
Plastic Reusable Game Card
Tapered opening gives away to expandable pocket & Backing provides sweat proof barrier.
Sports Tally & Pitch Counter
#2 Mechanical Bullet Pencil
Smitty Black Plastic Traditional 4-Dial Indicator
Smitty Bullet Pencil
Diamond Metal Umpire Indicator
Magnetic game card holder
Smitty Oversized Softball Ball Bags